So what is separation’s geography?
Everything is just that mystery,
everything is this roar that deafens:
this stream has branched off from the Indus,
in Little Tibet, just to
find itself where Porus
miles down (there it will join the Jhelum)
lost to the Greeks. It will become,
in Pakistan, the Indus again.
— Agha Shahid Ali

Separation: The action or state of moving or being moved apart
عَلَیحِدَگی: جُدائی، مفارقت، تنہائی، خلوت
पृथक्करण: अलग करने की क्रिया।
Geography: The study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere,
and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations, resources, and political and economic activities
جُغْرافِیَہ: وہ علم جس میں زمین کی سطح شکل و صورت طبیعی حالات و کیفیات قدرتی اور سیاسی تقسیمیں، آب و ہوا پیداوار آبادی وغیرہ سے بحث ہوتی ہے
भूगोल: ऐसा शास्त्र जिसमें पृथ्वी तल के ऊपरी स्वरूप, प्राकृतिक, राजनीतिक विभागों का अध्ययन तथा विवेचन किया जाता है।